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360 Moving Regions of Interest

See this sample code on how to add a moving region of interest to a 360 video. 

See 5:49 in this video for detailed instructions\&t=349s 

Step by Step Instructions

  1. Run the GUI and choose the first initial region For how to add initial regions see Creating a New Scene.
  2. If you change the name, make sure to update this line on with your new name:

REGION_1_NAME = 'player1'

  1. Run the script and try to follow the path you would like to follow with the region (if you hadn't set the opacity of the initial region to not be visible, just ignore that any previous region code may not show the region move correctly, you will adjust this in the next step).
  2. Run and press the 1-9 keys to set however many key frame points you need to create an accurate path. You can click and drag on the slider along the bottom to move through the session and set points (usually whenever there is a change in direction or velocity is best).

Again, ignore the previous fixation region. To more easily track the gaze point, you can toggle off the visibility of all the replay data, except for the gaze point (including moving the heatmap slider to the left). 

  1. This will save the updated information to the "moving_regions.csv" file
  2. Now you can re-run the and verify that it is moving correctly and you can track views along the full path.