Quick start (copy)

SightLab experiments can be set up with a GUI, with code, or a combination of both. This QuickStart is first showing starting a quick session with the GUI. For running a session with code see the non-GUI example

Quick Start - New Scene
Folder Launch GUI: Click the SightLab_VR.py shortcut in the Sightlab2 project folder or copy BlankProject (in Projects folder) to create a new project and launch SightLab_VR.py from the new folder
Folder Copy the BlankProjectto start a new project from scratch
GUI Add Assets (optional): Place 3D models in resources/environments or 360° media in resources/media within your project folder, or use assets from the SampleProject. Access project resources by selecting the project folder in the editor or opening the folder directly. See this page for some places to gather assets.
GUI If have any existing projects loaded, click "New."
Next, name Project and click "Save Project"
Folder Open Editor: Click Modify in the GUI to load environments, models, or 360 media.
Folder Can choose from the dropdown list or also drag and drop into the editor. Click "360 Media" to use 360 media.
GUI Add ROI or objects of interest:
- For 360 Media, press Shift (in Desktop Mode) to enter ROI mode, then set ROIs by moving the virtual gaze point and pressing 1.
- For 3D models, add ROIs and objects in the scene editor "Inspector" by clicking on the Edit button.
GUI Scene Editor:
- You can also use Inspector to edit the model, add a starting point, check scale, set lighting and more (if needed). See this page for more details.
GUI Tag Objects:
- Objects can be tagged for extra data collection, visibility as well as interactions, such as grabbing.
GUI Make sure to click the "refresh" button if changes were made to a 3D model or added a new one.
GUI Generate Trials: Enter a count and click Generate to add more trials if desired. Use Start/End Conditions (Keypress, Timer, Event, Gaze).
Click Done when ready.
GUI Adjust Options: Set additional options such as eye tracking thresholds, randomization, per trial or combined data files, screen recordings and synchronizing with BIOPAC Acqknowledge.
GUI Start Session: Press "Continue" to begin the session
GUI Start/End Trials: Enter Participant info (unless set to bypass). Default controls use Spacebar to start/stop. See all controls here. Press the "p" key to toggle viewing the gaze point (off by default)
GUI Replay & Review Data: Use SightLabReplay.py for an interactive session replay (use Spacebar to start/stop playback); view data files in the data folder.
GUI For more, refer to the SightLab documentation and examples in the ExampleScripts folder to see how to add much more functionality and use templates, such as adding instructions, rating scales, using AI agents and much more.

Non-GUI Workflow: For non-GUI see example with code.

Customize Scene/Experiment: Creating a new scene.

Multi-User Setup: Check the multi-user guide for collaborative experiments.

Getting Assets: Need models or media? Check out the Getting 3D Models and Assets page.