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HP Omnicept Data

Use the built in Data Logger to add additional data collected from the HP Reverb Omnicept Sensors. For the data available see this page in the Vizard Documentation. The example is adding "heartRate" to the get_additional_data function. Use a similar approach for cognitive load. Pupil Diameter and Eye Openness will be added automatically. 

import sightlab_utils.sightlab as sl
from sightlab_utils.settings import *

sightlab = sl.SightLab()
omnicept = viz.add("omnicept.dle")
eyeTracker = omnicept.addOmnicept()
sightlab.addCustomTrialDataColumn("Heart Rate")

def sightLabExperiment():
    while True:
        yield viztask.waitKeyDown(" ")

        def update_heartRate():
            heartRate = eyeTracker.getHeartRate()
            sightlab.setCustomTrialData(str(heartRate), "Heart Rate")

        update_action = vizact.onupdate(0, update_heartRate)
        yield sightlab.startTrial()
        yield viztask.waitKeyDown(" ")
        yield sightlab.endTrial(endExperimentText="Done")


To just use SightLab to record data from the sensors with the Omnicept while running an external see the External Data Recorder example