The "ExampleScripts" folder is located in your Sightlab2 projects folder in Documents
Customizable 3D interface for scene interaction
3d menu tablet vr gui interface interaction tools features
Track moving ROIs in 360° environments
360 moving regions interest roi tracking panorama media stimulus tools features
Integrate virtual characters and agents
avatars avatar npcs characters agents virtual humans tools features
Virtual agents with ChatGPT or Claude integration
ai intelligent agent chatgpt claude virtual assistant tools features
Generate bar charts for data visualization
barchart visualization data bars charts tools features
Visualize physiological sensor data in VR/AR
biopac biofeedback physiological sensors ball vr ar visualization tools features
Simulate physical interactions with ramps and elevations
collisions gravity ramps elevations falling physics tools features
Integrate vehicles into eyetracking simulations
driving car vehicle eyetracking simulation transportation tools features
Educational experiences with object annotations
#AI #ai educational application ai learning annotations audio visual tools features
Record data from external applications
external application data recorder integration outside vizard tools features
Evaluate eye tracker hardware performance
eye tracker tests hardware performance calibration validation tools features
Track and analyze facial expressions
face tracking expressions emotion save analyze data tools features
Track feet in VR with controllers or Vive Trackers
feet foot tracking VR controllers vive trackers tools features
Configure seated, standing or tracked full-body avatar
avatar body seated standing tracked full-body tools features
Create scene elements that react to user gaze
gaze based interactions eye tracking reactivity scene elements tools features
Save data on object grab and release events
grab events data object release interaction tools features
Physics-based hand interactions with Quest Pro tracking
hand tracking grabbing physics quest pro fingers interaction tools features
Heat Map Aggregated Data
heat map all trials aggregated data tools features
Automate presenting a series of images placed in a folder
image viewer media stimulus tools features
Add participant instructions
instructions participant settings tools features
Multiple teleportation methods for scene navigation
jump teleport locations arc virtual menu keypresses tools features
Tool for measuring objects in AR or VR
measuring tape tool AR VR objects distances tools features
Add virtual mirrors with swappable head/hands or tracked avatar
mirror virtual reflection avatar head hands tracking tools features
Mixed and augmented reality examples
mixed reality ar augmented examples media stimulus tools features
Display 360° media in randomized order
media viewer 360 stimulus randomized presentation media stimulus tools features
Cycle through various media types in single or multi-user setups
model viewer stimulus swapping cycling models videos images audio media stimulus tools features
Restrict user movement within defined boundaries
movement limiter boundary constraint restriction tools features
Full-body avatars with audio, transcripts and replay
multi-user full-body avatars avatar audio transcripts video replay tools features
Control trials and presentation for clients
presentation mode multiuser presenter tools trials control tools features
Create location-based interactive zones
proximity sensors location based interactions zones areas tools features
Create response selection interfaces
rating scale gui likert questionnaire survey responses tools features
Display real-world objects overlaid in VR
real world objects VR overlay mixed reality tools features
Integrate live-action actors seamlessly
rotoscoped avatars avatar live-action actors integration tools features
Connect to Tobii and Eyelogic eye trackers
screen based eyetrackers tobii eyelogic connection tools features
Interactive selection tool for scene objects
selector highlighter tool interaction pointer tools features
Add an avatar that can read from scripts using ai voice tools and measure data
scripted avatar agent avatars ai voices tools features
Use STIM files for setting experiment variables
stim files independent variables experiment research tools features
Upper body tracking with Meta Quest Pro
upper full body tracking meta quest pro torso arms tools features
Display 2D videos on virtual screen with user interaction analysis and stereo support
virtual 2D screen videos analyze playback user interactions stereo video tools features
Generate charts and plots using various Python visualization libraries
visual analytics data visualization matplotlib numpy pandas plotly seaborn tools features
Track objects or full body with Vive Trackers
vive trackers objects full body tracking tools features
Eye tracking studies on real-world objects
xr ar eye tracking real world objects augmented tools features
Compare choices between objects using various inputs
choice comparison objects input methods selection experiment templates
Measure distance perception and user performance
distance perception experiment performance user spatial experiment templates
Evaluate eye tracker hardware performance
eye tracker tests hardware performance calibration validation experiment templates
Spatial memory research experiment example
memory experiment spatial behavioral research psychology experiment templates
Phobia exposure therapies with Biopac integration
phobia exposure biopac elevator airplane therapy fear arachnophobia experiment templates
Sound localization game with hooting pigeons
pigeon hunt sound audio localization game experiment templates
Measure reaction time across 4 different tasks
reaction time tasks threat neutral measurement experiment templates
Spatial scanning experiment template
spatial scanning environment search experiment templates
Four different Visual Search tasks using STIM files with data saving capabilities
visual search eye tracking task stimulus stim files data saving experiment templates
Visual Search to find one object that is different in size and measuring comparisons on various metrics
visual search object size eye tracking task stimulus stim files data saving experiment templates
Grocery item search task experiment templates
shopping visual search grocery item task find
Heights fear demo with fixation capture and Biopac integration
walk plank fear heights phobia fixations heatmaps biopac acqknowledge experiment templates
Connect and send markers to Biopac's software
biopac acqknowledge physiological markers signals how-tos
Visualize physiological sensor data in VR/AR
biofeedback physiological sensors ball vr ar visualization how-tos
Simulate physical interactions with ramps and elevations
collisions gravity ramps elevations falling physics how-tos
Convert 3D cartesian data to equirectangular format
360 media conversion equirectangular cartesian data points how-tos
Set flags using controller or keyboard inputs
flags controller trigger keypress input markers how-tos
Import into existing Vizard scripts
importing existing code integration vizard script how-tos
Record and transcribe audio from microphone
audio recording transcriptions voice speech microphone how-tos
Enable physics in your application
physics collision gravity realistic simulation how-tos
Create location-based interactive zones
proximity sensors location based interactions zones areas how-tos
Use STIM files for setting experiment variables
stim files independent variables experiment research how-tos
Run experiments with timer-based or event-triggered timing
timer experiment timing events start stop duration how-tos
SightLab VR GUI Experiment Creation
experiment creation 3d models 360 video media stimulus
SightLab VR Code Experiment Creation
experiment creation 3d models 360 video media stimulus
Display 2D videos on virtual screen with user interaction analysis
virtual 2d screen video playback stereo media stimulus
Display standard or stereoscopic videos on virtual screen
virtual theater video stereoscopic screen cinema media stimulus