Virtual Screen
Located in ExampleScripts\- Virtual 2D Screen
Note there are also additional Mixed Reality versions in the ExampleScripts- Mixed Reality folder
In the ExampleScripts- Virtual 2D Screen folder you can find a few examples related to using a virtual screen within a SightLab script. There are examples for both single and multi-user, as well as using either a stereo or mono screen. Also a example with an optional video player that lets you more easily cycle through a series of videos. Here's a brief overview of the examples and how to use them. Note that K-Lite Codec pack may be needed to play back some video files. (an alternative is FFDShow as well)
In the VideoScreenConfig file you can choose the following (note there is also a "VideoScreenConfig2" that is configured for the STIM file screen):
# Choose environment, use empty for mixed reality
ENVIRONMENT_MODEL = "sightlab_resources/environments/Stimulus.osgb"
EMPTY_ENVIROMENT_MODEL = "sightlab_resources/environments/empty.osgb"
# Choose stereo or Mono and Stereo Video Type
# VIDEO_TYPE ='Stereo'
# Choose location of Media
video_directory = r"C:Path_To_Video"
video_files = [
for f in os.listdir(video_directory)
if f.endswith((".mp4", ".avi", ".mov", ".wmv"))
current_video_index = 0
MEDIA_FILE = viz.addVideo(os.path.join(video_directory, video_files[0]))
video_file = r"C:Path_To_Video"
MEDIA_FILE = viz.addVideo(os.path.join(video_file))
MEDIA_FILE = viz.addVideo("sightlab_resources/media_2D/droneShots.mp4")
STEREO_MEDIA_FILE = viz.addVideo("sightlab_resources/media_2D/SBS.mp4")
# These can swap out the default keys used for play/pause and restarting of the video
Running the Session
Press either the spacebar or the right trigger to start the video and exit the fadequad (this will also start recording data files in Sightlab)
- For multi-user this is just the spacebar on the server
- Default to pause/play video is the 'v' key, or use the highlighter tool by pressing the right grip button to bring up the highlighter and then the right trigger to play and pause the video.
- Default to start video from beginning is the 'k' key
- Press the 'r' key to reset your viewpoint
- Controls for movement and other interactions here
After a session you can view the data files in the data folder and use the 2D_screen_replay to replay the session
- If selected to save a video, can review that in recordings
- If using Biopac can link video to see physiological data
Displays your video on the computer monitor (screen object) in 2D
- Session Replay will playback session
- Same as 2D_Screen, but for playback of stereo videos (change if Top/Bottom or Left/Right in VideoScreenConfig)
- The GUI based version. Use the GUI to choose the environment and scene options.
- Will display a virtual screen in a black environment
- If using the Meta Quest Pro or Varjo, will use mixed reality to display the real world with the virtual screen
- Screen can be grabbed and moved with the trigger buttons
- Can resize the screen using the 'm' or 'n' keys
- Can get position of screen using the 't' key, which you can use these values to set its position in the code
- Can use a virtual pointer to start and stop playback
2D_Screen_server and 2D_Screen_client
- Multi-User version
Cycle Videos
- Adjust settings in the ExperimentSettings file and use these options on creating the virtual screen object:
Usage example:
- player1 = media_player.VideoPlayer(screen=screen, video_directory=VIDEO_DIRECTORY)
- See how to use a STIM file to choose the videos and options per trial (set up with VideoScreenConfig2). Access the STIM files in
. Can editvideo_sequence.csv
or create a new one. See here for more information on STIM files. - Note to save and load the video from the STIM file use this code (this will also save the current video filename to the experiment summary file)
if 'Video' in currentEntry:
print(f"Loading video: {currentEntry['Video']}")
video = viz.addVideo(currentEntry['Video'])
sightlab.setExperimentSummaryData('Video File', currentEntry['Video'])
Swapping out the environment
Find in the code where it has:
env = vizfx.addChild("sightlab_resources/environments/Stimulus.osgb")
and change this path to whatever environment you want to use. Or use the GUI version and then choose the environment from the GUI.
Adding a screen
To add a video screen to your environment model, you will need to either access a screen object in your environment using:
screen = env.getChild('screen') #where 'screen' is the name of that component
Or you can use File-Add and add a 2D image to your environment model and rename it to 'screen' and place it where you want in your scene.
You can also use File-Add and add the "screen.osgb" from sightlab_resources/objects
See the page on creating a scene for more information